There was a mixed reaction to the Data Council - 2022 conference. Though I’ve mixed experiences, I enjoyed “Lightning Talk” on the second day. I love the idea of providing a platform for engineers and founders to share their thoughts.
From the incubation of Data Engineering Weekly, the readership increased significantly. We are close to hitting the 10,000 reader base shortly. It makes me think about what Data Engineering Weekly can contribute back to the community.
Every data startup came out to solve specific data pain points we came across at some point as data practitioners. What better platform than Data Engineering Weekly to tell your data founder story to the data practitioners community?!
Data Engineering Weekly is proud to launch the Data Founder Story. Tell us your story to our readers.
Who are the data founders?
You’re just thinking of implementing your ideas, seed funder, or company listed on the public stock exchange; it doesn’t matter. As long as you’re solving the data problem, you’re the data founder.
You’re someone who wants to tell your data story, the pain points as a data practitioner to inspire fellow data practitioners.
How does it work? It is simple
Write your story
Open a PR in [We are all coders at heart anyway :-) ]
We will review and feature it as a separate edition of the newsletter.
Why not interview the data founders?
We believe writing is a complete form of expressing our thoughts. Interviewing someone will force into a structured process of storytelling. We want to give the data founders the freedom to express themself.
Why should data founders write in Data Engineering Weekly?
Data Engineering Weekly is the widely read newsletter in the data community. You can reach out to 1000s of data practitioners with your story and idea.
I heard from VCs reading the Data Engineering Weekly!!
Data Engineering Weekly is a perfect platform to find collaborators and contributors to your projects & ideas.
Software is a reflection of our thoughts. You’re inspiring the thoughts of Data Engineering Weekly readers, thereby shaping the data industry.
Data Engineering Weekly & I were thrilled to read all the data founders’ stories. Please feel free to ping Twitter: @data_weekly
for more information.